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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 16, No. 17. September 11, 1952

A Tribute

A Tribute

With Varsity's defeat of Wellington on a ground more fit for water polo than Rugby, the Jubilee Cup competition was over for another season. Varsity had won. In doing so they established convincingly their superiority over the other teams. On dry wet grounds they had no equal. In addition to this they played a brand of football that never deteriorated the negative tactics so often employed by leading teams. This did not mean that their defense was weak. The small number of times their line was crossed verifies this. But their greatest attribute by far lay in their team work. Individuals do not win Jubilee Cups. How clearly this washshown during the mid-season period when either through injuries or representative football Varsity were without their star players. The other fact that now emerges is the abundant new talent that has been unearthed during this season. At least two hitherto unknowns have shown that their names will soon find their way into the records of provincial football... Conventional wishes seem inadequate. But the fervour with which they arc given will I hope make up for their lack of originality. Well done Varsity.

Sports Editor.